4 Signs Of Imbalanced Hormones
October 18, 2022
Writer: Megan Hoying
Editor: Jessica Isser
Female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - have the most significant effect on a woman’s health, effecting not only menstruation and pregnancy, but also energy levels, mood, and weight. The slightest change in your lifestyle can affect your hormone balance. There are over 50 hormones in the female body, so it is difficult to pinpoint what exactly causes hormone imbalances and how to fix them, but here are the most general signs that your hormones are unbalanced:
Mood Swings
Estrogen plays a major role in serotonin (the happiness hormone) by increasing serotonin levels. Fluctuations in estrogen (especially when estrogen is low) can cause low mood and anxiety. This usually occurs 2 weeks before your period and during your period.
What to do: find something that will make you happy and decrease any extra anxiety, agitation, or sadness you may be feeling. Go for a walk, exercise for endorphins, pay attention to eating whole foods instead of processed food, drink less alcohol, and get extra sleep. It can also be helpful to keep a log or journal of your emotions.
2. Hair And Skin Issues
Chronically low estrogen and progesterone levels can cause adult acne. Other imbalances, especially androgen hormones, can cause dry, itchy skin and hair loss. Any one of these symptoms is a sign of hormonal imbalance and should be addressed by the root of the problem.
What to do: You can take care of your hair, skin, and nails with biotin supplements which increases the rate of follicle growth and keratin production. To solve the hormone imbalance, talk to your primary care provider.
3. Insomnia
Progesterone helps with sleep promotion. Dropping levels of progesterone can lead to insomnia, and low estrogen levels can cause night sweats, which dramatically reduces quality sleep.
What to do: To promote sleep, you can sleep under cotton sheets, keep the environment cool and dark, have tea before bed, reduce alcohol intake, and play white noise or calming music. However, if the sleep issues are due to hormone imbalances and aren’t fixed by these remedies, it is important to go to your doctor to get hormone treatment.
4. Unexplained Weight Gain
If you are experiencing weight gain without any changes to diet or activity, it could be an imbalance in your thyroid hormones. A hypoactive thyroid produces less thyroid hormones, which regulate energy expenditure and weight. Hormones can also cause bloating and abdominal cramping which can create the sensation of heaviness, without actually gaining weight.
What to do: Cramping and water retention on your period is a normal symptom for most women. Do not be too hard on yourself during this time of the month; women’s weight fluctuates with hormones and it is a normal process. However, if you are consistently gaining weight and are not sure why, reach out to your doctor to check for hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, or polycystic ovary syndrome.
Balancing hormones can be very hard and frustrating, and unfortunately, it’s something women have to deal with their whole lives. Prioritizing sleep, healthy eating, and activity is always important for living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body. If you think you are having hormone imbalances, please visit your doctor for extra support and treatment.
Image: Julia Bonanno