Daily December Journal Prompts
November 30, 2022
Writer: Delaney Brown
Editor: Carolyn Berryman
Journaling is a great way to get creative, let out your thoughts, and learn more about yourself. Whether you are just beginning your journaling journey, or you incorporate it as a permanent practice in your routine, writing things down can be a great way to recenter yourself in a scattered moment, and can even become a nightly ritual. For whatever your journaling needs may be, here is a month’s worth of daily journal prompts to dive into. Skip around or go in order, whatever feels right to you! These questions are designed to help you reflect on your past, explore things about yourself, and just give you an outlet to use your mind in a new way. Sometimes you don’t know how you feel until you start writing— give it a try!
1. What weakness do you struggle most with? How can you work to improve it?
2. Who feels like home to you? Write about them.
3. What is one small little thing you can do to bring yourself joy today? How can you implement this into each day?
4. What scares you about your future? Why? Do you think these fears are realistic?
5. What’s your current favorite song? Why do you love it? Is it the lyrics? The melody?
6. When do you feel most relaxed? Why? How can you incorporate that into your day more often?
7. Who is someone you wish you would have thanked for something? Write what you would tell them.
8. Where is your happy place? Write about how it makes you feel. Why do you love it?
9. If you knew you only had a year left to live, would you spend your days the same way you do now? After thinking about that, what would you change about your day to day life?
10. What can you do besides being on your phone? Make a list for your future self.
11. What’s a style change you’ve been hesitant to try out but always consider? Where do you get your style inspiration from?
12. It’s easy to get the winter blues. What are a few things you’re excited for and are looking forward to?
13. Who was your first love? How did they contribute to the person you are today? What do you wish you could tell them?
14. What do you wish more people noticed or knew about you? Why do you love this aspect of yourself?
15. It’s easy to forget why you started. Think back to when you were deciding what career to go for and/or school to go to. Why did you start? Do you love it the way you thought you would?
16. When you think back on your childhood, what would you change? Why? How would that change the person you are today?
17. What is a belief you don’t fully understand? Why are you so passionate about it?
18. What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do but never got around to? Make a plan for how you could start. Why haven’t you started yet?
19. Write about your favorite food. Where is it from? What makes you crave it?
20. Write about a teacher or authority figure that has left a lasting impact on you. How and why did they impact you?
21. Make a list of things that matter most to you in life (people, passions, projects, places, causes, etc.). How does your plan for the future align with those?
22. Is there a grudge you’re still holding onto? Harsh feelings you can’t seem to let go? Rant about it or write a letter to that person. Sometimes all the closure you need is within yourself.
23. What’s your favorite season? Why? Describe the connection you feel to it.
24. Write about your most important childhood relationship? What did they mean to you? Why were they so important?
25. What do the holidays mean to you? Describe the family traditions you want to continue with a family of your own.
26. If someone were to throw you a surprise party, what and who would you want there? Describe the perfect scene.
27.When did you last fail at something? What did you learn from the experience?
28. Would you rather go scuba diving or go to space for a day? Why?
29. What is something that challenged you this year? How are you going to move forward and combat that challenge?
30. What do you love about yourself? Write an entire page of self-love.
31. What do you want to take with you into the new year and what do you want to leave behind? (people, habits, etc.)
32. Reflect on your 2022. Write about a memory from each month. Remind yourself of what’s important to you. Why do those memories stand out?