The Problem with “Hyperproductivity”

February 8, 2023

Author: Emily Mitchell

Editor: Lynn Sabieddine

If you’re anything like me, you lead a pretty busy life; constantly on the go, always with something to create or complete. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being busy! I like the hustle and bustle of life, but one thing I’ve noticed is that on days when I’m not as busy, I struggle. I struggle with feelings of inadequacy, laziness, and worthlessness. If I know at my core that humans aren’t meant to be in constant motion, physically or mentally, why do I still feel like this? When I don’t get everything I want to get done in a day, why am I so hard on myself?

Someone very close to me once reminded me that we as humans don’t need to be producing something at all times to prove our worth, whatever that may be. And that really struck a chord with me. What I had been doing, without even realizing it, was tying my self-worth to how much I could get done in one day. I thought that the more productive I was, the more things I did, the more worthy I was as a person. 

And it’s hard to remember that in today’s world, where we are surrounded by constant reminders of things we “should” be doing, where the “grind” is glamorized to a fault, where sometimes it feels like all we can do to stay afloat is to keep treading and treading to the point of exhaustion. This year, I’ve made it my mission to accept myself even on the days when I’m not productive enough to meet my impossibly high standards. 

It's good to be driven and focused; to possess that “go-getter” mentality. However, it becomes dangerous when productivity is valued above all else and you start working yourself to the ground in order to deem yourself “good enough” for the day. It is as common as it is harmful to believe that you are a failure or disappointment if you don’t get as much done as you want.

Adjusting my mindset wasn’t (and still isn’t) easy. I still have to give myself many reminders, but I try to be gentle with myself when I know I need rest, and reassure myself that it’s okay if I am not as productive as society wants me to be.

Next time you find yourself feeling guilty because you aren’t being productive enough, remember that your worth as a human being is not tied to an arbitrary measurement of productivity! I know it’s cliche, but there is truth to the saying that we are human “beings” and not human “doings”. We are here to love, to breathe, and to live, not to complete as many tasks as possible over the course of one day. Be gentle with yourself today, friend. You deserve it. ❤︎



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