My Little Reward

April 22, 2024

Writer: Bella Goldberg

Editor: Anna Pierson

The concept of a “yellow lifestyle” has increasingly occupied my thoughts, particularly as I embarked on my college journey. I sought for something that could pierce through my darkest moments. Over time, it has become clear that this hue transcends mere pigment. It is an embodiment of optimism, happiness and a relentless spirit of livelihood. 

There's a mantra that whispers through the minds of many college students academic pursuits: “I deserve a coffee.” This simple phrase has become a personal anthem for many- myself included- while trying to navigate the ups and downs of college. This year, I found myself thinking this more often than not. It is the little thing that cultivates joy, something so simple.
For me, I have bound the sense of accomplishment to the aromatic embrace of a good coffee. To me, it isn't just a drink; it’s a milestone— an amazing cup of achievement. It was the yellow on my hardest days.

Throughout this year, it’s this very notion that has carried me through essays, flashcards, all nighters and assignments. With each impending deadline and stressful exam, it is the thought of claiming “my little reward” at the end of it that injects a sense of hope and endurance into those hours spent working hard. 

Looking back, coffee is more than just a drink to me, it was my sense of yellow through every dark time. To me, it embodies the aroma of determination, the warmth of perseverance, and the sweet, or sometimes bitter, taste of hard-earned success. It stands a reminder that after the hard work, there is a moment of reflection where it all slows down. That first sip of coffee marks the completion of yet another academic venture. 

“My little reward” isn't just about coffee, or a small act of self-indulgence. It's about creating a personal culture of recognition and celebration for every thing I have accomplished. It’s about acknowledging that I'm human, and that it is perfectly alright  to look forward to something tangible at the end of an intellectual achievement. 

Indeed, the phrase “my little reward” becomes both a motivational whisper and an expression of delight. It reminds me that every academic chapter closed deserves its own kind of celebration — mine just happens to come in the form of coffee. 


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