April 2, 2021
I Love My Hair, And Here’s Why You Should Too
By Rebekah Turner
Cover Art by Halley Elliott
People want what they can’t have – this is a fact. You know your hair better than anyone else, and in turn, your hair knows you too. The way it twists and turns or even the way it lays flat atop your head and tresses down your shoulders. Yet, many of us hate our hair and wish we had something different because many of us hate the way our hair makes us look. Growing up, I absolutely despised the way my curls frizzed up in humid weather, and most of all, I hated the way that it set me apart from my friends and family – I was different and I didn’t like it. My mother and aunts all have beautiful blonde and vibrant red hair. I loved the way it sat flat and didn’t lose its length when it dried. I was jealous. As time went on I slowly found myself fingering the body and coils of my hair; I admired it. Again, everybody wants what they can’t have, but you should love yourself, and especially the bundle of strands atop your head. And here’s why:
1. It’s yours!
Nobody else has your hair, you should be proud that it sets you apart from others. You have it for your whole life – so take advantage of it.
2. It compliments your features
Your hair was crafted especially for you! Let it flow down the way it was intended to.
3. Hair is fun
Try wearing it in different styles. It’s an exciting way to set yourself apart and liven up your style.
4. You can do so many amazing things with it
The most fun and nerve-wracking part of your hair is that you can cut it any way you like, or let it grow out. Your hair is your oyster, let it run wild.
5. Cut it and it will grow back!
The great thing about your hair is that it is always growing! If you hate your new haircut, you’re in luck.
Your hair isn’t “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” it is not perfect, but you can make it whatever you want. Because at the end of the day, we are only what we make ourselves out to be. We only have one head of hair, so why not make the most of it?
Now when I look back, I try to remember why I didn’t love my hair in the first place. Not everyone has Carrie Bradshaw-esque curls; and not everybody has shiny straight hair. My hair is a part of me, like your hair is a part of you. While it is unruly and downright annoying sometimes, I couldn’t imagine myself any other way. You should not either. Our hair is a blank canvas, so paint on it! It is time to stop worrying about what we can’t have and seize what we already do. Our hair. Whether it is short or long; coily or straight; red or pink; it is the center of our being, our personality.
Edited by Mary Murphy