January 18, 2021
Why You Should Invest in a Film Camera, Not Just for the Aesthetic
By Ryan Hammel
Cover Art by Halley Elliot
I purchased my first Kodak disposable film camera the summer before my junior year of high school. I snapped photographs sporadically, maybe as little as once a month. I rarely even bothered to deliver the finished roll of film to my local camera shop to be developed. By the time I did, in fact, finish the film, I couldn’t even remember what photos I took; quite honestly, I did not care. I have always enjoyed photography, so I took disposable pictures with the intent of following the up and coming trend. I couldn’t wait to have my own special images, speckled with grain and a vintage aesthetic. However, during my senior year of high school, and even more throughout the summer of 2020, I began to appreciate film photography for its raw beauty and deeper meaning.
As life progresses, time seems to be moving faster and faster. Teenage girls, including myself, commonly enjoy spending time taking photos with friends, and posting them on social media. Check your camera roll, I am sure you can find countless photoshoots of the same subject, in the same scene, in order to capture that “perfect” shot. However, rather than bursting hundreds of photos in the span of five minutes, film photos are captured in a more candid, and special way. They capture real moments and do not provide instant gratification. The turnout of the photo could take days or even months. Now, I appreciate that the photos I find after their development are an enjoyable surprise. In today’s fast-paced culture, the slow, delayed gratification of these photos make them even more meaningful.
Film photos are timeless. Holding onto physical, printed photos is incredibly memorable – I have a large folder full of mine kept safely in one of my desk drawers kept with the intent of looking back at them every so often. In twenty years, when I will be in an entirely different stage in my life, possibly married with children, sharing these physical, aging memories will give me a flashback to different points in my life, each holding a story to tell. Each photo has character, sentiment, authenticity, and a soul.
I strongly urge you to purchase a film camera, and not just for the aesthetic. I guarantee you will not regret it.